Sunday 1 April 2012

The Story of Prophet Ibrahim: Reality of Sensation and Perception plus Recognition.

In the holy Qur’an, there are many stories those can be taken as examples in our daily life. In this case of three different stages of how people make a sense of their surrounding world, then try to perceive it simultaneously and at last, they would like to give a meaning on what they have perceived, we want to take into consideration one story of Allah’s Prophet. In surah al- An’am, Allah told us about the recognition of Him by Prophet Ibrahim when he was a young boy. As mentioned by Allah in these verses 74 to 79:

“And (remember) when Prophet Ibrahim said to his father, Aazar: “How could you take idols as your gods? Indeed I see you and your people in obvious error.” And thus We gave Prophet Ibrahim insight into (Our) mighty dominion over the heavens and the earth, so that he might be one of those endowed with unshakable certainty of faith. And when the night overshadowed him with its darkness, he saw a (shining) star, and said: “Is this my Lord?” But when it set, he said: “I do not love things that set.” And when he saw the rising moon (shining), he said: “Is this my Lord?” But when it set, he said: “If my Lord does not guide me, I will most certainly become one of the people who go astray.” And when he saw the sun rising (in shining splendour), he said: “Is this my Lord? It is larger.” But when it set, he said: “O my people, far be it from me to ascribe divinity, as you do, to anything other than God.” “Truly, I have set my face and my person to Allah Who has created the heavens and the earth, upright as a true believer, holding firmly on the principle on oneness of God, and I am not one of those who ascribe divinity to anything besides God.”

          The first thing that we want to identify in these holy verses is what kind of senses used by Prophet Ibrahim when he tried to find out about his almighty Lord. As we noticed here, there was a word ‘saw’ in the translation. This word is a past tense form of word ‘see’, meaning that the Prophet used his eyes to look at the three various things of the star, the moon and the sun when all of those appeared on the sky. The sensation of seeing has been demonstrated by him in order to perceive the things that he saw. This first step was really important as it could be considered as the main gate of basis information or input to come into his cognition (thought and mind) and allowed him to determine and decide about the criteria of true God. By using this sense too, he could differentiate between the concepts of mortality and immortality at really basic level by saying “I do not love things that set”.
           The second thing that is involved in this story of Prophet Ibrahim was how did he perceive the things that he saw or in other word, the perception of the star, the moon and the sun. Generally, we knew that all of these three are shining unless in terms of their level of the shining. This was what the Prophet perceived when he saw all those. He asked himself as a way of making verification about either the star, the moon or the sun was his Lord. He compared their different level of shining as to affirm that which one is the most powerful. Perhaps during that time, he was thinking about the most shining among those three (the sun) could be considered as a god. However, his rational thought was denying this thinking because of his another perception on them.
           Before we look at that perception, we try to understand one more perception that led the Prophet continuously asking himself to confirm about his Lord. This perception of different sizes among them was made him knew that the sun was the largest among these three. Then, he almost affirmed that the size should be a criterion of god. This means that he was good at making decision about the most powerful should be the largest one. But then, he was still wondering why the sun at last could not be his Lord because of another perception as mentioned just now. So, what is actually the perception that made the Prophet denying the divinity of the star, the moon and the sun?
          Now, we move further to the answer of what is the perception that caused the denial of divinity towards those three by Prophet Ibrahim. If we notice in the verses 76 until 78, there was a repeated statement of “but when it set”. The Prophet denied the holiness of those things when he first said “I do not love things that set” in the verse 76 after the shining star disappeared from the sky and his sight. This illustrated that he saw the alternation of those things which reflected and proved that all of those should not be affirmed as his Lord. The most important thing, he realized that the star, the moon and the sun were no more than just creations of his Lord.
          Then, last step of recognition come on the stage. In this story, the Prophet actually wanted to identify and find out about his Lord. After he saw the three different things, he perceived them in terms of their shining competency as well as their various sizes. Nevertheless, because of their attribute of disappearance when the day has changed as night, therefore he started to refuse everything that is not everlasting from being worshipped by him. At this point, he recognized that all of these three in fact were only things that had no power to benefit or to harm himself without permission by the great Creator who administered their position.   
          Last but not least, Prophet Ibrahim declared that he would only worship the God who has created the heavens and the earth as well as everything in this world. He would not go astray as same as his people who were worshipping the idols. At the end, he recognized that Allah is the only one who deserved to be served and worshipped by him, not others than Him. Based on this story, we knew that the ultimate recognition in Islam actually to know Allah almighty and legitimate the oneness of Him. Thus, we should have an absolute faith in Him and believe that all of us will be accountable of what we have done in this worldly life before Him in the Day of Judgment. May Allah bless us night and day.

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