Monday 24 October 2011

Arabic Language as the Quranic Language

Assalamu’alaikum to everyone, I hope that you all will be in the pink of health every time. This time, I want to reveal the greatest actual secret method in making our memorization easier. As we knew, the holy Quran was revealed by Allah in Arabic language, as He mentioned in many verses in the Quran:
“We have indeed revealed this Book as Quran in Arabic so that you may understand it (by using your intelligence).” [12: 2]
“(It was revealed) in the clear and fluent Arabic tongue.” [26: 195]
            Allah has sent down the Quran in Arabic so that its meaning and secrets can be understood. This is because; no other language apart from Arabic is capable of providing the vast meaning of the Quran. The Arabic language constitutes the most eloquent and clear, the Quranic vehicle of revelation, affording the most wide implications of meanings for its message. [Tafsir ar-Rahman, Interpretation of the meaning of the Quran; 398]
             The holiest Book (the Quran) has been sent down in the holiest language (Arabic), to the holiest Messenger (Prophet Muhammad pbuh), through the holiest angel (Jibril). And this event took place on the holiest night (Lailatul-Qadar) in the holiest land (Makkah al-Mukarramah). Thus, the holiness of the Quran is complete in all aspects. [Tafsir al-Qaasimi, 9: 3502]
            So, what I want to emphasize here is that each of us as a Muslim should learn this particular wonderful language because of its special language styles (uslub al-lughah). Of course it is quite difficult for someone who do not know even a single word of this language or someone who has no any idea about it. For me, there is still a way and chance for us to simply learn the language in order to make our understanding of the Quran improves.
            Just want to share here; I personally have constructed a special method in learning the Arabic language which can help many people who has no basic at all to gain a better improved understanding of the Quran. The method I called as ‘Nur al-Anwar method’ is constructed based on my personal experience during learning this quite complicated language about eight (8) years before since I was first studying in Islamic secondary school (2001) until I finished my diploma level in tahfiz al-Quran wa al-Qiraat (2009). The good news about this method is anybody can learn the language and will understand it just in a few months; not as too long as my study before.
            Thus, I really want to strongly stress here that the Arabic language is the only one main secret key for foreigners particularly like us (a’jamiy) who are speaking other than the language to memorize the Quran quickly and easily. This has been proved by many memorizers of this holy revelation across time since the prophet Muhammad’s peace be upon him lifetime. The most important thing we have to remember is that learning the Arabic language is not a burden for us but actually it will increase the accomplishment of our daily worships towards Allah indirectly. May Allah bless us all time.

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