Sunday 9 October 2011

Thank You Allah.....

"In the name of Allah most Gracious most Merciful"
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to my dear lecturer, Madam Dr. Hjh. Lihanna binti Borhan and all my friends. Since I add this course of Psychology of Learning, there is like something I would like to share with all of you which related to our project of memorization of certain verses from the Quran that is "How could Everyone Memorize the Holy Quran Easier" based on my experience taking course of Tahfiz al-Quran wal Qiraat in diploma level for three years before.
          First of all, I am really grateful to involve in islamization concept stressed by International Islamic University Malaysia because this allows me to apply what I have learned before in terms of Islamic knowledge. For me, memorizing the holy Quran is really fun and challenging. As a Muslim, we should be proud of having this great revelation from the almighty God and whatsoever, we need to understand its contain and practice them in our daily lives as well as it was a guidance from Him.
          The holy Quran itself is sacred. It was revealed by Allah who is the only CREATOR of every creatures and creations to the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him through angel Gabriel as an intermediate. This means that it came from the pure source and it must be respected by human being especially a Muslim. Everything should be clean and virtuous when we want to have a contact with it. As Allah mentioned in surah al-Waaqi'ah verse 79: "Which none can touch except the purified". Therefore, it is really obvious that we must to purify ourselves first before we want to deal with it.
          What I am trying to say here is the purification should be done externally and internally by cleaning up ourselves from any dirt apparent physically and purify our souls from any defilement spiritually. Physically, we avoid and remove dirt by applying bath and ablution as to perform a worship including recitation and memorization of its verses. Then the most important spiritual part that should be fully purified by us is our heart and soul. We need to be sincere when deal with it in order to make it easy for us to recite and memorize it later. So, in this my first post in my life I want to share with you that the first step of memorizing the holy Quran is sincerity. Without this, we will memorize not even a single word permanently. When we are sincere we are thankful to our almighty God, thank you so much Allah.

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